Friday, May 20, 2011

Masterplan ConNEXions, a qualitative approach

It is possible to see a single surface from the top to the bottom that creates a complex designed area where everything (inside and outside spaces) is generated by surface's isocurves.
Generative ribs of that surface are linked to the acoustic analysis first, connected to the main ways and buildings of the area.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Birth

Our firts approach to the project.
Controlled proliferations based on lines, controlpoints, controlpoints's weigh and isocurves.

Monday, May 2, 2011


First approach to latex behaviour

Something physical to imitate

Latex.That's the material.
Tractions, ridges, patterns, forms.

Our Concept

More human than human.
That's what we are looking for.
A body. A form. Something physical.But with a skin.

Our first idea, when asked to think about what "The Fashon Robot" could be.